10 research outputs found


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    The subject presented in the paper concerns resource conflicts, which are the cause of order violation in multithreaded applications. The work focuses on developing conditions that can be implemented as a tool for allowing to detect these conflicts in the process of static code analysis. The research is based on known errors reported to developers of large applications such as Mozilla Firefox browser and MySQL relational database system. These errors could have been avoided by appropriate monitoring of the source code


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    This article contains a brief description of existing graphical methods for presenting multithreaded applications, i.e. Control Flow Graph and Petri nets. These methods will be discussed, and then a way to represent multithreaded applications using the concurrent process system model will be presented. All these methods will be used to present the idea of a multithreaded application that includes the race condition phenomenon. In the summary, all three methods will be compared and subjected to the evaluation, which will depend on whether the given representation will allow to find the mentioned phenomenon


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    One of the ways of providing high internal software quality (that is a source code) is using design patterns. The article aims at presenting a suggested model which enables one to assess the quality of implementation of design patterns. The model assumes verification of different aspects of the patterns and a numeric expression of the obtained results. The analysis of the obtained results may show the occurrence of certain problems which are difficult to be identified during code review or testing


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    Professional programmers use many additional tools over the Integrated Development Environment during their work. Very often they are looking for new solutions, while expecting that the new tool will provide accurate results, and the cost of use will fit within the planned budget. The aim of the article is to present the results of two comparative analyzes carried out in terms of accuracy and the cost of using the quality assessment method of implementation of design patterns

    The model and the method of quality assessment of design pattern implementation

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    Design patterns are very popular in programmers. It allow you to solve choosen problems in the object-oriented languages, and also provide some benefits, for example: lower cost of program upgrades. Implementations of patterns (even the same kind) can vary considerably from one another and do not provide the expected benefits. The paper presents a solution for measuring the implementation of patterns, and then provides a verification of this solution in practice and on the space of a joint formal representation

    Atomicity Violation in Multithreaded Applications and Its Detection in Static Code Analysis Process

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    This paper is a contribution to the field of research dealing with the parallel computing, which is used in multithreaded applications. The paper discusses the characteristics of atomicity violation in multithreaded applications and develops a new definition of atomicity violation based on previously defined relationships between operations, that can be used to atomicity violation detection. A method of detection of conflicts causing atomicity violation was also developed using the source code model of multithreaded applications that predicts errors in the software

    Order violation in multithreaded applications and its detection in static code analysis process

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    The subject presented in the paper concerns resource conflicts, which are the cause of order violation in multithreaded applications. The work focuses on developing conditions that can be implemented as a tool for allowing to detect these conflicts in the process of static code analysis. The research is based on known errors reported to developers of large applications such as Mozilla Firefox browser and MySQL relational database system. These errors could have been avoided by appropriate monitoring of the source code

    Difficulties in implementation of design pattern in small developers team

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    There are many small businesses create their own, original software or performing services for third parties, in IT market. Small teams often work by the so-called. agile methodologies, which are limited by the amount of project documentation, and most of the procedures considerably simplified. However, small teams not reject good practice, including design patterns. The aim of the article is to present some difficulties faced by small development teams in the implementation of design patterns, and to present the author鈥檚 method of supporting an increase in the quality of implementation of design patterns.Na rynku IT wyst臋puje wiele ma艂ych przedsi臋biorstw tworz膮cych w艂asne, autorskie oprogramowanie lub wykonuj膮ce us艂ugi dla firm trzecich. Ma艂e zespo艂y cz臋sto pracuj膮 wed艂ug tzw. zwinnych metodyk wytw贸rczych, w kt贸rych ograniczona jest ilo艣膰 dokumentacji projektowej, a wi臋kszo艣膰 procedur znacznie uproszczona. Jednak偶e ma艂e zespo艂y nie rezygnuj膮 ze stosowania dobrych praktyk, w tym wzorc贸w projektowych. Celem artyku艂u jest przybli偶enie wybranych trudno艣ci, z kt贸rymi borykaj膮 si臋 ma艂e zespo艂y programistyczne przy implementacji wzorc贸w projektowych, oraz przedstawienie autorskiej metody wspomagaj膮cej wzrost jako艣ci implementacji wzorc贸w projektowych

    Weryfikacja u偶ycia metody oceny jako艣ci implementacji wzorc贸w projektowych w zastosowaniu produkcyjnym

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    Programi艣ci pracuj膮cy zgodnie z metodykami zwinnymi bardzo ch臋tnie implementuj膮 wzorce projektowe w trakcie swojej pracy. Cz臋sto robi膮 to bazuj膮c wy艂膮cznie na w艂asnym do艣wiadczeniu, co nie uwzgl臋dnia dodatkowych korzy艣ci, kt贸rych mo偶na oczekiwa膰 po implementacji wzorc贸w. Celem artyku艂u jest przedstawienie przebiegu i wynik贸w z weryfikacji metody oceny wzorc贸w projektowych w zastosowaniu produkcyjnym. Eksperyment przeprowadzono wsp贸lnie z zewn臋trzn膮 firm膮, pracuj膮c膮 wed艂ug zwinnej metodyki wytw贸rczej.Developers working according to agile methodologies are very happy to implement design patterns in their work. They often do so based solely on their own experience, which does not take into account the additional benefits that can be expected from implementing patterns. The purpose of the article is to present the mileage and results of verification of the method of assesment design patterns in production. The experiment was conducted jointly with an external company, working according to a agile manufacturing methodology

    Przewidywanie atak贸w DDoS w 艣rodowisku symulacyjnym przy u偶yciu technik eksploracji danych

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    The notion of Internet attacks has been well-known in the area of computer networks for a long time now. The effects of these actions can be difficult to rectify and also very expensive.聽 Therefore, these harmful attacks should be detected in the shortest time possible when the effects are still quite easily reversible. The article presented the results of the research on predicting the occurrence of DoS attacks on the selected network resources by using data mining techniques.Poj臋cie zwi膮zane z atakami sieciowymi jest znane w tematyce sieci komputerowych ju偶 od dawna. Efekty atak贸w sieciowych s膮 trudne do naprawienia i bardzo drogie.聽 Dlatego te偶 wskazane jest jak najszybsze wykrywanie atak贸w, tak aby ich skutki by艂y jak najmniej dotkliwe. Artyku艂 przedstawia wyniki bada艅 dotycz膮cych przewidywania wyst膮pienia ataku DDoS na wybranych zasobach sieciowych przy u偶yciu technik eksploracji danych